Lockdown Extended

Dear Parents and Carers

It was with disappointment but not surprise that we received the news yesterday that the current lockdown would be extended for a further two weeks. This of course means that schools will continue with remote, online learning until midnight 2 September. Students are expected to be onsite again on 3 September, however this will be dependent on current COVID-19. In the meantime we will continue to deliver lessons in the same manner, following the same timetable. If you need another copy of your young person’s timetable, Contact teachers will be able to provide with one.
We know this situation can be challenging and we urge you to contact the school if your young person requires any additional support at this time. We will keep you updated as we receive news. In the meantime stay safe.

Kind regards

Irene Savakis & Tessa Abbottsmith Youl

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