Resource Smart AuSSI Vic Program

At the beginning of 2013 SRCS signed up to be a part of the Resource Smart AuSSI Vic Program. Resource Smart is a framework that provides practical support to schools to live and work more sustainability. We were successful in our application and have been working on the core module this year and it’s almost complete.

Over the next four years we will work through modules on energy, waster, water and biodiversity. We have been allocated a wonderful facilitator from CERES and she has provided us with the information and support that we need to work through the module.

The most exciting part of joining the program was the ability to apply for a grant to make SRCS more efficient in its use of finite resources. We recently found out we were successful in our application and a $10,000 grant is coming our way soon. Planet Savers will be coming to SRCS in the middle of November to do an energy audit with the students and help us put energy saving measures in place.

It has been an exciting year for SRCS with quite a few new initiatives up and running. Our participation in the Resource Smart Program is sure to help us become more sustainable in how we do things!!!!